Ceratizit switches to renewable energy with over 99% of production powered by green sources

June 1, 2023

In the manufacturing stage, the cemented carbide parts are sintered at around 1,500°C for approximately 24 hours (Courtesy Ceratizit)
In the manufacturing stage, the cemented carbide parts are sintered at around 1,500°C for approximately 24 hours (Courtesy Ceratizit)

Ceratizit, part of the Plansee Group and headquartered in Mamer, Luxembourg, has announced that since the beginning of 2023, its production operations have been powered by over 99% renewable energy sources — a claim that is backed up by corresponding certificates from its energy suppliers. This achievement represents the first milestone on the company’s path to becoming carbon neutral by 2025. By switching the majority of its energy supply to renewable sources, the company has reduced its corporate carbon footprint (CCF) by over 20%.

Ceratizit has based its carbon-cutting targets on the figures from its 2020/2021 business year, in which the company emitted almost 176,000 metric tons of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) according to the GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol). Around a quarter of the company’s emissions fall under Scope 1 of the Protocol (direct GHG emissions) and a quarter from Scope 2 (electricity indirect GHG emissions), while around half fall under Scope 3, which stem in particular from purchased goods & services as well as employees’ journeys to and from work.

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“With these final figures, we have the necessary information to take the first steps to reducing our carbon footprint. Switching to renewable energy is only the first step in this process, but one that has enabled us to reduce our footprint by more than 20%,” stated Andreas Lackner, Executive Board Spokesperson.

The company has set itself the target of reducing its 2020/2021 CCF levels by 60% through additional measures by 2030, such as switching to ‘green’ hydrogen. The company plans to achieve ‘Net Zero’ by 2040, ten years ahead of the targets specified under the Paris Agreement.

With these latest figures now available, the company will decide on what further measures will be taken over the next few months to reduce the company’s corporate carbon footprint (CCF) by at least 35% as currently planned by 2025.

Cemented carbide can only be produced by Powder Metallurgy, and Ceratizit is reported to be one of the few carbide manufacturers who manage the entire process chain in-house. This includes mineral extraction and powder preparation, as well as forming of the blank, sintering, surface treatment and quality control. The company uses die compaction and Powder Injection Moulding, as well as Cold Isostatic Pressing and extrusion pressing to form the cemented carbide blanks.


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