Ceratizit and Plansee to showcase molybdenum, tungsten and cemented carbide Additive Manufacturing at Formnext

October 23, 2024

October 23, 2024

Additively manufactured sample made of tungsten with different surface orientations and integrated grid structures (Courtesy Plansee)
Additively manufactured sample made of tungsten with different surface orientations and integrated grid structures (Courtesy Plansee)

Ceratizit and Plansee have announced their first-ever joint participation at Formnext 2024, taking place in Frankfurt, Germany, November 19 to 22. The collaboration is set to showcase the wide range of Additive Manufacturing solutions possible using the refractory metals molybdenum and tungsten, as well as cemented carbide.

As a market leader in molybdenum and tungsten products, Plansee is able to produce additively manufactured molybdenum with similar properties to conventionally manufactured TZM (titanium-zirconium-molybdenum). The company also produces components made from tungsten and tungsten heavy alloys.

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Ceratizit is able to additively manufacture all conventional cemented carbide grades from its portfolio, including the more sustainable upGRADE cemented carbide range, which consists of 50-99% reclaimed carbide powder. These grades are said to offer high performance whilst reducing environmental impact.

Focus on sustainability

Together, Ceratizit and Plansee cover the entire process chain, from material extraction to finished components. Using renewable energy, continuous process optimisation, and the recycling of tungsten and molybdenum, both companies are reported to have reduced their carbon footprints in recent years.

The Plansee Group is noted as having achieved a recycling rate of 90% for tungsten in 2023, significantly reducing the reliance on primary raw materials. Furthermore, both companies work to ensure that any remaining primary raw materials are sourced from socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible origins. In line with their commitment to sustainability, all metallic residues and waste generated from Additive Manufacturing are 100% recycled back into the production cycle.

“We are thrilled to showcase our joint capabilities at Formnext,” said Dr Bernhard Mayr-Schmölzer, Head of Additive and Joining Technologies, Corporate Research & Development at Plansee. “By combining our expertise in Additive Manufacturing and our extensive range of materials, we can offer our customers innovative solutions that are both environmentally friendly and high-performing.”

Ceratizit and Plansee will be at Formnext 2024 in Hall 11.1, Stand F19.



October 23, 2024

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