Ceratizit acquires remaining shares in Stadler Metalle

March 1, 2022

A Stadler Metalle employee sorting recycled carbides for secondary use (Courtesy Stadler Metalle)

Ceratizit Group, headquartered in Mamer, Luxembourg, has taken over the remaining 50% of shares in Stadler Metalle, Türkheim, Germany, becoming sole owner of the company after an initial investment in 2019. Stadler Metalle specialises in trading and processing secondary raw materials; this company was the most important supplier of these materials to Ceratizit for the production of tungsten and tungsten carbide powders.

“Stadler Metalle has become an important building block in our raw material supply chain over the past three years, and has helped us to become independent of raw materials from China and crisis regions,” stated Andreas Lackner, executive board spokesman.

The use of secondary raw materials from recycling not only helps to secure the supply chain, it is also sustainable; 75% less energy is required to use recycled cemented carbide than to process ore.

While the group does still utilise necessary primary raw materials, they are exclusively from certified western mines.

Change in Stadler management

Thomas Wenger has taken over the management of Stadler from Managing director and founder Gabriele Stadler, who has retired alongside her husband after the successful navigation of integration with Ceratizit.

Prior to this appointment, Wenger worked in purchasing and sales at Stadler Metalle since 2010, and had previously worked for ten years in strategic purchasing at two other companies in the tungsten industry.

Both sides have agreed not to disclose the financial details of the transaction.



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