Carpenter Technology relocating corporate headquarters to Philadelphia

March 2, 2016

March 2, 2016

Carpenter Technology Corporation, which produces and distributes premium alloys, including special alloys, titanium alloys and powder metals, has announced plans to relocate its corporate headquarters to Philadelphia from Wyomissing, a suburb of Reading, Pennsylvania, USA. It was stated that the new headquarters location will allow the company to deepen its customer relationships and play a more integral role in the development of its customers’ products.

Carpenter anticipates that the new Philadelphia location will ultimately be home to around 100 positions, while nearly 2,300 Carpenter personnel will remain in Reading, Pennsylvania. The company noted that no planned job reductions are part of the relocation, and the relocation is not expected to have any material increase in overall expenses.

“Carpenter is positioning itself for continued growth,” stated Tony R Thene, Carpenter’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “As we have expanded our manufacturing footprint and sales presence over the past decade, it has become more important to raise our visibility, broaden our talent pool, and improve access to our customers and partners. The Reading manufacturing location remains crucial to the current operating plan and the stated strategy going forward. We’re proud of our 125 plus years in Reading, and we remain committed to Reading and to the state of Pennsylvania, where Carpenter today employs more than 3,300 personnel.”

Carpenter is in the process of reviewing office locations in Philadelphia appropriate to its needs and growth objectives, with the goal of completing the move in late 2016. 

March 2, 2016

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