Carpenter Technology announces plans for Emerging Technology Center

July 17, 2018

July 17, 2018

Carpenter Technology Corporation has announced plans for adding an Emerging Technology Center on its Athens, Alabama campus. The facility will initially focus on Additive Manufacturing technology development, with future investments slated for soft magnetics and meltless titanium powder.

Over time, Carpenter expects to invest $52 million in the Emerging Technology Center, which will create approximately 60 jobs over the next five years. This investment is said to be a critical component in executing Carpenter’s key growth initiatives and is aligned with its business strategy of becoming a complete end-to-end solutions provider in the AM area.

“By utilising our metallurgical and process expertise, the Emerging Technology Center is where we will develop and implement future solutions for our customers ranging from new alloys to revolutionary 3D printed parts,” stated Tony R Thene, Carpenter’s Chief Executive Officer. “Our recent investments in AM and soft magnetics indicate our ongoing commitment to the rapidly changing landscape of our industry.”

Within the last sixteen months, Carpenter has acquired Puris LLC, a producer of titanium powder for Additive Manufacturing and advanced technology applications; acquired MB CalRAM LLC, a leader in powder-bed fusion AM technologies; announced a $100 million investment in soft magnetics capabilities at its Reading, PA facility; opened an AM Technology Center in Reading, PA; and solidified several AM powder supply agreements with various companies to expand its presence in this rapidly expanding market.

Carpenter’s 500,000 ft2 Alabama manufacturing facility, which began operations in 2014, produces high-end specialty alloy products, primarily for the aerospace and energy markets. The Athens site was later expanded to produce superalloy powders used in applications including jet engine disks and 3D printed aircraft engine components and other products.

The Emerging Technology Center is expected to open in approximately twelve months.

July 17, 2018

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