Call for papers issued for POWDERMET2019 and AMPM2019
September 25, 2018
The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has issued a call for papers for POWDERMET2019, the International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, set to run from June 23-26, 2019, at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
POWDERMET2019 will be attended by professionals from across the PM industry, including buyers and specifiers of metal powders, tooling and compacting presses, sintering furnaces, furnace belts, powder handling and blending equipment, quality-control and automation equipment, particle-size and powder-characterisation equipment, consulting and research services, and more.
Both oral and poster presentations are requested for inclusion in the technical programme and all submissions should be original and unpublished work addressing recent advances in the full spectrum of Powder Metallurgy and materials technologies. Categories for papers include:
- Design and modelling of PM materials, components and processes
- Particulate production
- General compaction and forming processes
- Powder Injection Moulding (metals & ceramics)
- Pre-sintering and sintering
- Secondary operations
- Materials
- Refractory metals, carbides & ceramics
- Advanced particulate materials and processes
- Material properties
- Testing and evaluation
- Applications
A poster programme will also be available, and submissions are encouraged from authors wishing to report important work-in-progress research in Powder Metallurgy. All accepted poster presentations will be eligible for the Poster Awards, and abstracts submitted for the poster programme will not be considered for presentation during the general technical sessions.
Call for papers for AMPM2019
Co-located with POWDERMET2019 will be AMPM2019, the conference on Additive Manufacturing with Powder Metallurgy. The MPIF has issued a call for papers for AMPM on the following topics in relation to metal Additive Manufacturing:
- Materials
- Applications
- Technical barriers
- Process economics
- New developments
The deadline for submissions to both POWDERMET2019 and AMPM2019 is November 9, 2018. All submissions should clearly outline the results of the latest research, innovations or improvements in processing or products, and accepted abstracts will require manuscripts to be submitted prior to presentation at the conference.