Buehler introduces Wilson RH2150 Rockwell Hardness Tester

October 13, 2020

Buehler’s new Wilson RH2150 Rockwell Hardness Tester (Courtesy Buehler)

Buehler, Lake Bluff, Illinois, USA, has introduced its newest Rockwell Hardness Tester, the Wilson RH2150, an updated Rockwell tester said to offer easy programmability, advanced calculations and verification reminders to ensure compliance.  

The Wilson Rockwell RH2150 will be showcased at the upcoming International Materials Applications & Technologies (IMAT) Virtual Show, set to run from October 26–28, 2020. The launch of the new Wilson RH2150 coincides with the centennial anniversary of the Wilson brand of hardness testers, test blocks and software.

The RH2150 is available in two different sizes, with a vertical capacity of 254 mm or 356 mm. It is fully protected from outside influences with sheet metal casing and a load cell protection. 

Buehler states that it has improved the Rockwell with a clamping device that is attached to the actuator, extended scales, crash protection and a new user interface with intuitive icon-based controls. The new model also offers programmability and workflow automation and ‘one button’ testing.

According to Matthias Pascher, Buehler’s Hardness Product Manager, “The RH2150 was tested for weeks and months in harsh workshop environments and the consistency of test results and intuitive testing controls is clearly standing out and is the key requirement for this type of hardness testing machine.”

“We designed unique features, such as the clamping device, directly mounted on the actuator, intelligent footswitch controls, or the DiaMet™ software package for advanced testing and reporting solutions, including network connectability which is more and more a need to ensure complete test result traceability,” he explained.

The machine performs hardness testing according to the current Rockwell standards and Brinell depth testing scales, all within the load range from 1 to 187.5 kgf. Users in the manufacturing and heat treatment industries rely on Rockwell standards, making this an important criteria for production testing. 

As well as being showcased during the IMAT Virtual Show this month, the Wilson RH2150 will be shown in action at Buehler’s Wilson Hardness Days 2020, featuring a number of hardness testing webinars from November 4–5, 2020. 


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