Brian Malloy named as new Chief Operating Officer of Carpenter Technology Corporation

Companies & MarketsNews
November 29, 2023

November 29, 2023

Carpenter Technology has named Brian Malloy as its Senior Vice President and COO (Courtesy Carpenter Technology)
Carpenter Technology has named Brian Malloy as its Senior Vice President and COO (Courtesy Carpenter Technology)

Carpenter Technology Corporation, headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, has announced the appointment of Brian Malloy as Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, effective December 4, 2023. In his new role, Malloy will oversee the Speciality Alloys Operations (SAO) and Performance Engineered Products (PEP) business segments. He will continue to report directly to Tony Thene, the company’s president and Chief Executive Officer.

Malloy currently holds the position of Senior Vice President and Group President of the SAO business segment. He joined Carpenter Technology in 2015. Prior to his current role, he served as the Senior Vice President and Group President of the PEP business and as the Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer.

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“With our near-term focus on ramping up our operations to meet record customer demand, Brian’s demonstrated leadership and deep understanding of our operations, solutions portfolio and key commercial relationships are invaluable,” stated Tony Thene, president and Chief Executive Officer of Carpenter Technology. “Longer term, Brian will drive the organisation’s continued progress towards the financial targets we have communicated for the coming years.”

Malloy received his MBA from the College of William & Mary and a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from Virginia Tech. Additionally, he holds executive certifications in Artificial Intelligence from Northwestern University and in Digital Transformation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has served on the boards of the International Titanium Association (ITA) and the Specialty Steel Industry of North America (SSINA), and is the co-inventor of five patents.

David Graf, the Vice and Group President of the PEP business segment, will be departing from the company to pursue other opportunities.

Companies & MarketsNews
November 29, 2023

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