BorgWarner launches two Chinese two dual inverter projects

August 11, 2021

BorgWarner has agreed to supply dual inverters for two leading Chinese OEMs (Courtesy BorgWarner)

BorgWarner, headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA, has recently signed contracts to supply dual inverters for two leading Chinese OEMs. The dual inverters will be featured in both hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) versions of the Great Wall Motor’s (GWM) LEMON platform, a modular intelligence technology platform for vehicle manufacturing, while another major Chinese OEM will utilise the dual inverters on its own HEV and PHEV passenger car models.

“China has continued to be a leader in electrification efforts, and we are pleased to further expand our presence in the region by supplying two leading Chinese automakers with our high-performing dual inverters,” stated Tom Tan, vice president of BorgWarner and president of BorgWarner China. “These new contracts showcase the trust and confidence we have built in our electrified applications from these customers and will aid us in continuing to lead the dual inverter technology trend in China and beyond.”

Production on the GWM dual inverter is currently underway, with and without a DC/DC converter option, which was launched on several 2021 GWM models. The project with the other major Chinese OEM is planned for 2023 models.

Tan continued, “Our project with GWM is a milestone achievement for both companies, as, together, we launched one of the first dual inverter projects and DHT hybrid powertrain systems in China. GWM’s DHT system is becoming a strong benchmark for the China market due to its dynamic driving performance and ability to achieve great fuel economy, enabled in part by our inverter technology.”

By combining different power electronic technologies into one compact package, BorgWarner’s single dual inverter unit can control and drive two electric motors whilst reducing cost and weight, as well as enabling flexible packaging and easier installations. Additionally, BorgWarner’s dual inverter provides propulsion, energy generation and recapturing of energy in hybrid powertrains.

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