Bodycote holds official opening for new UK facility

December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018

Bodycote holds official opening for new UK facility

Bodycote held an official opening for its new facility in Rotherham, Yorkshire (Courtesy Bodycote)


Heat treatment and thermal processing services provider Bodycote has officially opened its new facility at the Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP) in Rotherham, Yorkshire, UK. At an official opening event, the facility was ceremonially opened by Andy Greasley, Executive Vice President of Rolls-Royce’s Turbines Supply Chain Unit, in recognition of the partnership between Bodycote and Rolls-Royce.

The new advanced heat treatment centre, now fully operational and serving customer requirements, offers a range of heat treatment services and has been established to support the aerospace and power generation markets in the UK and Europe. Greasley commented, “Heat treatment and processing is a vital part of our supply chain and Rolls-Royce are delighted to be supported by Bodycote on the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Rotherham. Close coupling of this capability to our own Rolls-Royce business is critical for our future success and our relationship with Bodycote is one that we truly value.”

Also speaking at the event, Colin Sirett, CEO of the UK’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, located at the AMP, stated, “We’ve got everything from aircraft parts through to carbon fibre chassis for supercars all being manufactured on this site, the one piece of the process that was missing was materials processing. We can cast, we can forge, we can assemble, we can machine, but the one key element that was missing is exactly what Bodycote brings to the park. So it’s great to welcome the Bodycote team here and we are looking forward to working with them for many years to come.”

Tom Gibbons, President of Bodycote’s Aerospace, Defence & Energy division, told  visitors at the opening, “Due to customer demand and interest since the announcement of this new plant in July, we are investing in further capacity and technology. The additional space we secured here at Rotherham is nearly three times the size of our existing unit. We are committed to ensuring we are able to meet our customers’ demand in the years ahead.”

December 14, 2018

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