Blykalla and Höganäs partner to develop advanced materials for small modular nuclear reactors

January 29, 2025

January 29, 2025

The Swedish Advanced Lead Reactor (SEALER) (Courtesy Blykalla)
The Swedish Advanced Lead Reactor (SEALER) (Courtesy Blykalla)

Sweden’s Blykalla and Höganäs AB have announced a strategic partnership to develop specialised materials and manufacturing processes for Blykalla’s small modular reactor (SMR), called the Swedish Advanced Lead-cooled Reactor (SEALER).

The partnership spans three key areas: industrialisation, qualification, and commercialisation. It focuses specifically on the industrial production of advanced corrosion-resistant materials needed to ensure the performance and durability of metal components in liquid lead environments.

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Höganäs will leverage its expertise in advanced metal powder technologies to develop and produce corrosion-resistant alloys for cladding critical SEALER components, in particular tubular products. These efforts will involve optimising laboratory-tested alloys for intended powder application processes, scaling them to industrial production, and meeting the stringent performance and safety standards required for liquid lead environments.

“This collaboration with Höganäs is an essential step in securing a strong and resilient value chain for SEALER technology,” said Jacob Stedman, CEO of Blykalla. “With their leading expertise in material development and manufacturing, and their process know-how of metal powder applications, we have found a world-class partner in our alloy development.”

Blykalla and Höganäs will also work together to ensure the scalability and qualification of these materials for SMR deployment. The collaboration highlights the importance of building a reliable supply chain for advanced reactor technologies while driving broader innovation in clean energy.

“By combining our materials expertise with Blykalla’s innovative reactor technology, we are taking important steps toward making advanced SMRs a reality,” Hans Keller, Division President Coating & Brazing Technologies, Höganäs, stated. “Industrialising these solutions has the potential to unlock opportunities across multiple sectors, driving both sustainable growth and long-term prosperity.”

This partnership is one of the strategic collaborations intended to drive the advancement of the SEALER. It positions both companies as key contributors to next-generation clean energy systems in Europe and beyond, as global momentum for SMRs continues to grow in response to the increasing demand for scalable, clean, and reliable energy solutions.

January 29, 2025

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