BLT mass produces Ti₂AlNb powder for Additive Manufacturing

July 31, 2024

July 31, 2024

BLT has successfully mass produced a Ti₂AlNb powder, designed for use in applications including aerospace (Courtesy BLT)
BLT has successfully mass produced a Ti₂AlNb powder, designed for use in applications including aerospace (Courtesy BLT)

Xi’an Bright Laser Technologies Co., Ltd (BLT), Xi’an, China, has announced the successful mass production of BLT-Ti₂AlNb powder specifically designed for Additive Manufacturing. This development is expected to advance research into the Additive Manufacturing of Ti₂AlNb as well as promoting the application of Ti₂AlNb parts in sectors such as aerospace.

Ti₂AlNb is noted as one of the most promising high-temperature lightweight structural materials due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent high-temperature performance, and superior resistance to oxidation and corrosion.

Its lightweight nature and good creep resistance, along with the capability for complex manufacturing, make it ideal for aerospace and automotive applications, offering enhanced performance and efficiency. However, traditional manufacturing methods face challenges manufacturing with Ti₂AlNb due to the alloy’s poor room-temperature plasticity and thermal deformability. The rapid development of Additive Manufacturing technology offers a new pathway to overcome these challenges.

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The preparation of high-quality Ti₂AlNb powder is critical for Additive Manufacturing success. BLT states that it utilises gas atomisation technology to produce the powder, coupled with optimised processing techniques that reduce the occurrence of satellites. This enables the consistent mass production of high-quality BLT-Ti₂AlNb powder.

The nominal chemical composition of BLT-Ti₂AlNb powder is Ti-22Al-25Nb, and the product specification is 15-53 μm. BLT states that the alloy exhibits excellent properties at both room and high temperatures, including low-density and high-temperature oxidation resistance. It can sustain extended use at temperatures ranging from 800-900℃.

After heat treatment, BLT indicate that parts produced from BLT-Ti₂AlNb powder achieve a tensile strength of 250-270 MPa, yield strength of 140-160 MPa, and elongation of 38.8-42.8% at a temperature of 900℃.

BLT has produced a demonstration sample of a flow channel using BLT-Ti₂AlNb material, exemplifying its superior capabilities. This sample represents a typical structure of an actively cooled liquid engine, featuring dozens of rectangular flow channels designed into the inner and outer walls of the part. The structure is compact, with the thinnest wall being only 1 mm thick, showcasing the suitability of BLT-Ti₂AlNb to Laser Beam Powder Bed Fusion (PBF-LB) Additive Manufacturing technology.

To achieve these results, BLT optimised process parameters — including scanning speed, laser power, scanning spacing, and preheating temperature — to determine a suitable process window for the preparation of Ti₂AlNb-based alloy components. These parameters are now applicable across all models of BLT’s commercially available equipment, enabling the production of dense, crack-free parts with consistent quality.

July 31, 2024

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