ATI to expand nickel-based superalloy powder capabilities

June 22, 2015

June 22, 2015

Allegheny Technologies Incorporated (ATI) is investing around $70 million to expand its nickel-based superalloy powder production to satisfy strong demand from the aerospace jet engine market and growing demand from the Additive Manufacturing industry. The development is expected to take two years to complete and will be located at its Specialty Materials business unit near Monroe, North Carolina, USA.

Nickel-based superalloy powders provide extreme alloy compositions and a refined microstructure that offer increased performance and longer useful lives in high-temperature and highly corrosive environments.

“This strategic growth project will strengthen ATI’s position in the production of technically demanding superalloy powders used to produce advanced mill products and forgings, primarily for next-generation jet engines,” stated Rich Harshman, ATI’s Chairman, President and CEO.

“A significant portion of the powders to be produced from this expansion are needed to meet requirements of existing long-term agreements with jet engine OEMs that run well into the next decade. The expansion also better positions ATI to continue as a leading innovator supplying advanced powders to the new and rapidly growing Additive Manufacturing industry,” added Harshman.

The expansion builds on ATI’s existing powder capabilities located at facilities in Oakdale, Pennsylvania, USA, which the company states, are currently operating near capacity.

June 22, 2015

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