ASTM Committee on Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products meeting scheduled for October
September 4, 2012
The ASTM Committee B09 on Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products will hold its bi-annual meeting at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, USA, October 24 – 26, 2012.
The Committee was formed in 1944, and meets twice each year. With membership of approximately 75 members, the committee currently has jurisdiction of over 60 approved standards that are published in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
Standards under the jurisdiction of B09
Each main committee in ASTM International is composed of subcommittees that address specific segments within the general subject area covered by the technical committee. The BO9 subcommittees consist of:
B09.01 Nomenclature and Technical Data
- B09.02 Base Metal Powders
- B09.03 Refractory Metal Powders
- B09.04 Bearings
- B09.05 Structural Parts
- B09.06 Cemented Carbides
- B09.09 US TAG for ISO/TC 119 on Powder Metallurgy
- B09.11 Near Full Density Powder Metallurgy Materials
- B09.90 Executive
- B09.92 Awards
- B09.98 Planning
Full listing of the standards under each of the above subcommittees can be found on the ASTM website.
2013 Meetings
In 2013 the Committee B09 on Metal Powders and Metal Powder Products plans to meet in Ft. Lauderdale Beach, Florida, USA, April 29- May 1 and Jacksonville, Florida, October 23- 25.
For more information contact ASTM Staff Manager, Katerina Koperna, email: [email protected]
Posted by: Paul Whittaker, Editor, [email protected]
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