ASIMCO Shuanghuan recognised by Ruili Group’s Excellent Supplier Award 2017

May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018

ASIMCO Shuanghuan recognised by Ruili Group's Excellent Supplier Award 2017

ASIMCO Shuanghuan received a supplier award from Ruili Group


ASIMCO Shuanghuan, Yizheng, Jiangsu Province, China, was recognised with an award by automotive parts manufacturer Ruili Group, Rui’an, Zhejiang Province, China, at its 2018 supplier conference in March. At the conference, ASIMCO Shuanghuan was recognised with the company’s annual ‘Excellent Supplier’ Award for 2017. ASIMCO Shuanghuan’s piston rings are reported to account for over 90% of Ruili Meilian’s total purchases in this field.

On receiving the award, ASIMCO Shuanghuan, a division of ASIMCO Technologies Limited, Beijing, China, stated that it has made persistent efforts to introduce new management models during recent years which it believes have contributed to its success. When focusing on its manufacturing site, the company stated that it sets the standard for the whole production process and has developed well-controlled operation systems to keep pace with its clients’ requirements in China and abroad.

The company is said to have taken measures to adopt a smart manufacturing strategy and boost automation at its facility, and has reportedly developed eight types of automated equipment over the last two years. As a result, the company’s per-capita efficiency has risen by 10% and the number of production employees decreased by 6%, thus increasing productivity considerably.

ASIMCO Shuanghuan is a leading supplier of piston rings in China, and has been involved in their R&D and production for around half a century. The company has the ability to produce piston rings to more than 5,800 specifications and has reportedly established long-term partnerships as a supplier to over 150 domestic and foreign OEMs. Ruili Group is China’s leading brake cylinder maker, and has been cooperating with the company for a number of years.

May 23, 2018

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