Umicore focuses on application areas where it knows it can make a real difference

February 7, 2010

Umicore technology group  


Umicore is a materials technology group. Its activities are centred on 4 business areas: Advanced Materials, Precious Metals Products and Catalytsts, Precious Metal Services and Zinc Specialties. Each business area is divided into market-focused business units, be it in products that are essential to everyday life or those at the cutting edge of new technological developments.

Umicore focuses on application areas where it knows its expertise in materials science, chemistry and metallurgy can make a real difference. Umicore generates approximately 50% of its revenues and spends approximately 80% of its R&D budget in the area of clean technology, such as emission control catalysts, materials for rechargeable batteries and photovoltaics, fuel cells, and precious metals recycling. Umicore’s overriding goal of sustainable value creation is based on this ambition to develop, produce and recyle materials in a way that fulfils its mission: materials for a better life.

Cobalt & Specialty Materials

000921Umicore Cobalt & Specialty Materials (CSM) has a long and rich history in the production, development and marketing of Cobalt Fine Powders, inorganic cobalt oxides & salts as well as nickel oxides & salts for all your different uses.

Three business lines are involved with Cobalt & Specialty Materials (CSM):

  • Ceramics & Chemicals
  • Rechargeable Battery Materials
  • Tool Materials

We jointly operate worldwide refining plants for cobalt & nickel. These refining operations enable Umicore to offer unique tailor-made closed loop solutions to its customers.

Our productions plants all apply the same operational code for health, safety, environment and quality. Umicore’s global sales network guarantees a close contact with its customers. They can rely on a fast and flexible service offered by local, dedicated people.

Tool Materials

Umicore Tool Materials is a business line of Umicore, serving the markets of diamond tools and hard metal applications.We offer a wide range of Cobalt powders, Nickel powder and pre-alloyed alternatives (from our Cobalite range). Being a world-wide market leader, we see successful use of our products in tool for stone-cutting and construction, as well as hard-metal or cemented carbide applications. Our products provide the perfect solution to create bonds with other constituents like diamonds or Tungsten Carbide. With our extensive application know-how and R&D facilities, we can provide you with the necessary technical support.


February 7, 2010

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  • Powder Metallurgy in Asia: A status update from the World PM2024 Congress, Yokohama

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