APMI releases Powder Metallurgy self-study course

March 7, 2023

APMI International’s self-study course looks at the fundamental principles of processing ferrous Powder Metallurgy materials (Courtesy APMI International)
APMI International’s self-study course looks at the fundamental principles of processing ferrous Powder Metallurgy materials (Courtesy APMI International)

APMI International has announced that it will release a self-study course on the fundamental principles of processing ferrous Powder Metallurgy materials. Presented by Dr Randall German, the course is intended to provide a solid framework for those working in the PM field.

Students are expected to gain an understanding of the practical processing of iron and steel, and engineering as it relates to the technology. The course will have a strong technical emphasis on ferrous materials behaviour, utilising various manufacturing processes and some market data. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • Differentiate iron and steel crystal structures, mechanical properties, and its dominance as an engineered material
  • Discuss particle size, shape, characterisation, and techniques for producing iron and steel powders
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The target audience for the course includes materials engineers & technologists; mechanical, industrial, manufacturing, process and aerospace engineers; quality assurance engineers & technologists; and management & overseers of PM organisations.

The course contains ten pre-recorded segments, averaging an hour, and will be open to the registrant for two months from the date of purchase. Registrants will also receive virtual copes of a PM Design Manual and PM & Particulate Materials Processing.

Those interested in the course can register here,


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