AMRC training courses to highlight fundamentals of metallurgy and non-ferrous alloys

May 3, 2023

The University of Sheffield’s AMRC Training Centre will run a course on the fundamentals of metallurgy, followed by a second course on non-ferrous alloys (Courtesy AMRC Training Centre)
The University of Sheffield’s AMRC Training Centre will run a course on the fundamentals of metallurgy, followed by a second course on non-ferrous alloys (Courtesy AMRC Training Centre)

The University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) Training Centre, located in Rotherham, Yorkshire, UK, is set to run its Fundamentals of Metallurgy course online this year, from May 9-10, followed by its Non-Ferrous Alloys course, also online, from May 16-17.

Fundamentals of Metallurgy

The Fundamentals of Metallurgy course is an overview of the essential properties of metals, how they are produced and where they are used. It will provide a basic understanding of the relationships between structure, properties and processing of the most important industrial metals, as well as explaining the terminology and test methods associated with key properties.

This course is aimed at professionals with a grounding in metals or material science who wish to extend their technical understanding.

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Non-Ferrous Alloys

The Non-Ferrous Alloys course will describe the production, features and applications of aluminium, copper, nickel & titanium alloys. The course will provide a full understanding of the characteristics of a range of commonly-used non-ferrous alloys, how they are produced and the industrial applications to which they are suited.

This course has been designed for industry professionals engaged in the supply, processing and applications of non-ferrous alloys. It will be of interest to recent graduates, designers, engineers, buyers and sales personnel working in or supplying the aerospace, defence, nuclear, power generation, offshore, chemical, oil and gas, automotive and other industry sectors.

More details can be found here:

Fundamentals of Metallurgy

Non-Ferrous Alloys

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