Amaero International to build Australian titanium powder plant

July 6, 2021

Additive Manufacturing parts and service provider Amaero International Limited, headquartered in Notting Hill, Victoria, Australia, has told The Market Herald that it is planning to install a titanium alloy powder manufacturing plant in Victoria. The AUS $8 million project is expected to span eighteen months, after which production will begin at the facility. The company anticipates that the plant will secure annual revenues near $30 million.

“Producing titanium alloy powder in Australia will provide a stable, secure and cost-effective supply, allowing defence and other sectors to continue to advance their 3D manufacturing capabilities,” stated Barrie Finnin, CEO. “This project directly supports Amaero in delivering ongoing, significant, high margin revenues via a stable commodities market.”

Via the use of an undisclosed proprietary specification, the new plant will produce aerospace-grade titanium at reportedly half the price of the industry standard. Amaero stated that it hopes this benefit secures long-term supply agreements in future. The company has received letters of support from two of the largest global defence companies; per Amaero, these indicate a high potential demand for Ti64 from a competitive Australian source.

Amaero has also reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding with a metal powder supplier and is negotiating a distribution deal.

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