Amaero commissions its new atomiser ahead of schedule
June 4, 2024

Amaero International Limited, based in McDonald, Tennessee, USA, has announced the installation and testing of its new metal powder atomiser supplied by ALD Vacuum Technology GmbH, Hanau, Germany. The atomiser has achieved all technical specifications stipulated in the contract, and acceptance has been formally acknowledged by both parties.
“Amaero’s leadership team is relentlessly focused on execution,” stated Hank Holland, chairman and CEO. “With final acceptance and commissioning of the atomiser, we have achieved a significant milestone and we have achieved the milestone ahead of schedule.”
With this installation completed, Amaero’s technical and manufacturing team will begin work on proprietary modifications of the atomisation process and parameter optimisation.
“Given the importance of advancing priority hypersonic and strategic missile programs from development and demonstration phases to serial production as quickly as possible and the pressure to achieve material properties and performance criteria, Additive Manufacturing plays an important role,” Holland continued. “The insertion of Additive Manufacturing in high-temperature applications is enabled by improved resiliency, scalability and responsiveness of US domestic production of C103 and speciality alloy powders. Amaero is committed to collaborating with the US government, the Department of Defense, prime defence contractors and suppliers to address priority initiatives to re-shore strategic industrial base capabilities.”