Alpha Sintered Metals acquires MIM producer Precision Made Products

July 6, 2016

July 6, 2016

Alpha Sintered Metals acquires MIM producer Precision Made Products

PMP manufactures a wide range of MIM components

Private equity firm O2 Investment Partners has announced that its portfolio company, Alpha Sintered Metals, headquartered in Ridgway, Pennsylvania, USA, has acquired Precision Made Products (PMP), a Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) business based in Brunswick, Ohio, USA. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Founded in 2002, PMP is an established MIM business with CNC machining capability serving the medical, aerospace, and firearms markets. Due to certain proprietary elements of its MIM manufacturing process, PMP claims to have significantly shortened the de-binding and sintering cycles which creates advantageous product characteristics including low shrinkage rates, better shape stability and very tight tolerances.

Alpha Sintered Metals, LLC is a global manufacturer of high-precision Powder Metallurgy components and assemblies for the automotive, small engine, recreational vehicle, commercial vehicle and agricultural equipment industries. With specialties in high density stainless steels and steel alloys, Alpha has a rich heritage in providing a diverse customer base with innovative material and process solutions for the most demanding applications.

“I was seeking a strategic partner that could help us take PMP to the next level. Alpha’s experience in powder metal manufacturing coupled with our MIM technology will create exciting opportunities for the future,” stated Majid Daneshvar, founder and CEO of PMP.

JoAnne Ryan, CEO of Alpha Sintered Metals agreed, noting “Partnering with PMP will allow us to expand our capabilities, enhance our market position, and enter new markets. MIM is an important part of our growth strategy and we are very excited to be partnering with Majid and the PMP team.”

Jay Hansen, Managing Partner of O2 Investment Partners, added, “Majid and his team are well respected within the industry and we are excited to work with them going forward. PMP’s continuous innovation made it an excellent fit for the Alpha platform and our long-term strategic plan. ”

July 6, 2016

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