Alicona Metrology wins ‘Hidden Champion’ award

October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014

Austrian optical 3D metrology manufacturer Alicona has announced that it recently received a ‘Hidden Champion Award’ from the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich – WKÖ). The prestigious award is given to Austrian owned companies that have met a number of key business criteria that include achieving the position of a market leader in their sector.


Other criteria for success in the award are that the company demonstrates an exceptional level of innovation, has achieved high levels of export sales and has achieved a stated level of growth and turnover.

“We are very proud to have achieved this award and to be recognised for what the company has achieved in only 13 years. We are very fortunate to have a very highly skilled and motivated workforce; they have worked really hard and applied their skills very competently. This has produced a range of very accurate metrology systems that have uses in many industries and I thank them for their support,” stated Dr Stefan Scherer, CEO.  

Alicona, headquartered in Graz, Austria, is a market leader in the area of optical metrology and optical micro CMM and provides its products predominately outside of its domestic market. The “hidden” part of the award, states the company, reflects its dominance outside of the Austrian market.

“We are not resting here though, we have many new products coming through and are moving quickly into closed loop manufacturing, and we are now looking forward to further awards, which may not be so hidden,” added Dr Scherer.

The award winning products from Alicona provide non-contact optical metrology to industry and research allowing in depth and nondestructive measurement of form and finish on a wide range of components.  

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October 13, 2014

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