Alicona introduces measurement technology for large components

September 13, 2016

September 13, 2016

Alicona introduces measurement technology for large components

Alicona, headquartered in Graz, Austria, has announced the development of measurement systems that incorporate universal robots and the company’s optical metrology technology to provide flexible quality assurance in production processes. The measurement systems can be used either manually or automatically for the inspection of features on large components.

Systems can be built for quality assurance of round heavy components (see image) weighing up to 120Kg or horizontal systems for large flat objects on which detailed features need to be measured. Applications for this integrated measurement system, for example, include the control of sharp edges or break out on aircraft engine turbine disks and to detect chipping along the edge or to verify minimum radii, essential for safety and reliability in the engine. The systems can also be used to measure imperfections or scratches at discreet locations on the surfaces of these objects.

The wheeled design makes the robot portable and flexible to use in a variety of places. “Manufacturers have the option of taking the measurement to the product or taking the product to the measurement,” the company started.

The handling of the new robot measuring systems is said to be very easy and user friendly in either automatic or manual mode. The automatic modes can be pre-programmed and the measurements made unattended. In manual mode the operator manipulates the robot arm and measuring sensor to the required position for measurement. By means of an app, a smartphone displays the live view for manual, precise positioning and measurement.

September 13, 2016

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