Additive Manufacturing Users Group Conference registration now open

January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014

The Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) has announced that online registration is now available for its 2014 Education & Training Conference, which will be held in Tucson, Arizona, from April 6-10, 2014. The users group conference, now in its 26th year, is open to owners and operators of all Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) technologies.


The conference will take place at the Hilton Tucson

El Conquistador Hotel

Todd Grimm, President of T. A. Grimm & Associates and AMUG’s AM industry advisor, will open the event with a realistic look at the 3D printing industry. Jason Lopes of Legacy Effects will open day two with a look at 3D printing’s role in feature films and commercials. Dr Mike North, founder of North Design Labs and former host of Discovery Channel’s Prototype This, starts the final day of the conference with a talk on 3D printing, technology and innovation.

“We are very excited to have three well-known, well-respected keynote speakers to kick off our daily activities. Each of these speakers has interesting, insightful information to share, and each presents in an engaging way that will energize attendees for the day to come,” stated Bret Bordner, AMUG President.

The AMUG Conference will include technical sessions and hands-on workshops designed to help users get more from their systems. Through technical competitions and the annual Awards Banquet, excellence in applying AM and contributions to the industry will be recognised. The five-day event also includes the two-night AMUGExpo, networking receptions and catered meals. 

January 20, 2014

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