Abbott Furnace Company receives orders for two Powder Metallurgy furnaces

January 27, 2020

Abbott Furnace Company receives orders for two Powder Metallurgy furnaces
Abbott Furnace will supply a sintering furnace and soft magnetic alloy processing furnace which are scheduled to for shipment in Q2 2020 (Courtesy Abbott Furnace Company)

Abbott Furnace Company, an industrial furnace manufacturer located in St. Mary’s, Pennsylvania, USA, has received two orders for new Powder Metallurgy furnaces – a sintering furnace and soft magnetic alloy processing furnace.

The new sintering furnace has been ordered by a customer which specialises in manufacturing high volume, ferrous-based Powder Metallurgy components in the automotive, lawn and garden, agricultural, and industrial markets. The new furnace, reported to be the 36th furnace to be supplied to this company, is an electrically heated continuous belt furnace. Abbott Furnace will design, manufacture and install the furnace that is rated at 2150ºF (1177ºC) and includes Abbott’s Varicool cooling system. It is scheduled for delivery in Q2 2020.

Abbott Furnace also received an order for an electrically heated continuous belt soft magnetic alloy processing furnace, from a customer in the Powder Metallurgy industry providing components to the metals and mining market. The furnace is scheduled to be shipped in Q2 2020 and has a maximum temperature of 1850ºF (1010ºC) in an air, nitrogen or steam atmosphere. It includes a delube chamber, oxidation chamber, water-jacketed cooling chamber and a thermostack thermal oxidiser.

Abbott Furnace has thirty-five years of experience in designing and producing high performing industrial continuous process furnaces and produces industrial sintering furnaces, annealing furnaces, tempering furnaces, brazing furnaces, heat treat furnaces, steam treat furnaces, industrial ovens, CAB furnaces, high-temperature furnaces and other speciality furnace products.

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