6K recognised on Global Cleantech 100 list

January 27, 2023

6K’s UniMelt metal powder production process is based on high-frequency microwave plasma technology (Courtesy 6K)
6K’s UniMelt metal powder production process is based on high-frequency microwave plasma technology (Courtesy 6K)

6K, North Andover, Massachusetts, USA, was named to Cleantech Group’s 2023 Global Cleantech 100 list. Running since 2009, this list is intended to compile a complete list of the companies best positioned to help build a more digitised, de-carbonised and resource-efficient industrial future.

“6K being recognised on the Global Cleantech 100 list underscores our dedication to sustainability and the importance of clean manufacturing,” stated Bruce Bradshaw, chief marketing officer for 6K. “Our ability to manufacture AM powder with 92% lower emissions, as well as battery material production utilising 90% less water and zero wastewater proves just how sustainable the UniMelt production technology truly is.”

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One example that the company has stated showcases the confidence in its UniMelt technology as an environmentally friendly manufacturing technology is evidenced by the recently awarded $50 million US Department of Energy grant that will partially fund the $107 million PlusCAM factory, a full-scale battery material manufacturing plant scheduled to open in 2025.

The company also recently released a life cycle assessment (LCA) conducted by Foresight Management on the sustainability benefits of the UniMelt technology for producing metal powders. 6K also announced a joint study with the Fraunhofer ILT that will be released during Q1 2023. The study conducted at the labs of Fraunhofer ILT analyses an additively manufactured industrial component that includes the environmental impact from powder, Additive Manufacturing and post-processing.

The number of nominations for the Cleantech 100 totalled 15,753 from over ninety-three countries. These companies were weighted and scored to create a short list of 330 companies that were reviewed by eighty-one members of an expert panel. The Global Cleantech 100 Expert Panel is made up of investors and corporate & industrial executives who are active in technology and innovation scouting.

The full Cleantech list is available here.


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