6K Additive expands global reach with new partners in Europe, Middle East and Asia

July 1, 2024

6K Additive, a division of 6K headquartered in North Andover, Massachusetts, USA, has announced it is partnering with several distributors and agents to further expand its global network of commercial partners in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

Broder Metals Group will distribute material in the UK and Ireland; Advance Metal Powder, India; Infotron/Plastosel, Turkey; and Intelligent AM, Israel, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. The company added that it will selectively add new distributors and agents over the coming months based on market demand.

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Nick Pflugh, Chief Commercial Officer for 6K Additive, said, “The breadth of material offerings we have, the quality standards, and the sustainability benefits have attracted customers globally to 6K Additive. Having local professionals who not only understand the customer requirements but also understand materials and applications for metal Additive Manufacturing is crucial to support the international market. Our new network of agents and distributors each excel at helping customers qualify the right material for the right application. We are excited to welcome them to the extended team of 6K Additive.”

6K’s UniMelt plasma production system is capable of converting metal scrap and end-of-life parts into high-performance metal powders for Additive Manufacturing, Metal Injection Molding, and other Powder Metallurgy production techniques. By doing so, it provides access to a vast domestic supply of strategically important metals and alloys such as nickel and titanium from machine shops and boneyards, as well as refractory powders such as C103, tungsten, and others that are critical to hypersonic and nuclear applications. The patented 6K Additive process cleans, prepares, and spheroidises scrap alloys into high-quality powders with performance superior to atomisation technologies.


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