2021 Howard I Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper awarded

September 27, 2021

The Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) has announced that the paper ‘Mix Solution for High Green-Strength and Green Machining’ by Amber Tims, Roland Warzel, Bo Hu, (North American Höganäs) and Per Knutsson, Asa Ahlin, Angelica Hansen (Höganäs AB) was selected as the 2021 Howard I. Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award. The paper was chosen from manuscripts that were presented at the PowderMet2021 conference in Orlando, and critically evaluated for the prestigious award.

The Howard I Sanderow Outstanding Technical Paper Award (renamed in 2009), was established in 1993 to recognise authors of manuscripts for excellence in scientific and technical written communications from those papers presented and submitted for publication from the annual technical conference organised by the MPIF and APMI International; to enhance the quality of technology transfer in the PM literature by increasing the professional level of papers submitted for the annual technical conference; and to enhance and promote the science and technology which is fundamental to powder metallurgy products, processes, and materials.

Paper excellence is measured using a system of four quality standards:

  1. the paper is scientifically or technically new, innovative, or is a constructive review
  2. has clear presentation in writing, organisation, graphics, format, and has professional integrity
  3. has clear industrial application
  4. has long-term value

The winning paper is available for download on the MPIF website. The authors will be officially recognised during PowderMet2022 in Portland, Oregon, June 12–15, 2022.


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